Do you meal plan?

general pregnancy health plant based snacks vegan nutrition in pregnancy Jun 27, 2021
Meal planing for vegans

Do you meal plan?

It seems that most people don't. They get to the end of their working days and they remember that dinner time is coming. They also notice that they are exhausted and tired and they want to spend as little time as possible in the kitchen. They then nip to the supermarket and buy something convenient to make quickly and they might even get a little treat for after dinner, usually that's full of sugar.

As a result they eat things that have little nutritional value often and that leaves them more exhausted and tired because their bodies are lacking in nutrients.

When you are pregnant that's definitely not ideal and vegan convenience foods tend to be highly processed, so they best don't become a habit.

You get the picture! Planning ahead makes sense, especially for pregnant vegans.

It mightn't  come easy but it makes sense!

When you are at the stage of your life where you are pregnant and with little kiddies you tend to be very, VERY busy but you also tend to be very motivated to live a healthy life style. 

There isn't a lot of information out there when it comes to pregnancy and veganism, it certainly doesn't seem to come from health care providers. I did my midwifery training in the UK between 2005 and 2008. I still remember the lecture about nutrition.  I was told that when a pregnant woman tells me that she is vegetarian my alarm bells are meant to start sounding and if she tells me she is vegan she is walking on very thin nutritional ice. 

As a vegetarian of around 20 years at that stage who was starting to contemplate a transition to veganism I was deeply offended. I knew more about nutrition than any of my class mates, I cooked from scratch, I was bringing up a healthy little plant eater and that's what I wanted to tell the women I cared for. 

If a pregnant person who ate a conventional diet wasn't  paying attention to the changing nutritional needs in pregnancy she was as much as risk as any plant-based eater. I made my point in class. With a bit of planning a totally plant-based diet was absolutely possible and even healthy.

That's why I reckon meal planning and meal prepping are the way forward for vegans. You make a plan, you prep once, maybe twice per week and you are set for every.single.meal! You save yourself time and worry.

So stock up on mason jars and keep your empty jars so you can get stocking up on healthy snacks.

Start by prepping jars of overnight oats. There's a great recipe for a breakfast nutrition bomb here.

For more ideas for a happy and healthy plant-based pregnancy join us on Instagram and be sure to get onto our mailing list.


Would you like more of my writing? You can! I have written a book called '7 Secrets Every Pregnant Woman Needs To Hear Before Giving Birth: The New Midwife’s R.O.A.D. To Birth™ Hypnobirth System'. 

It offers perspective on common misperceptions about pregnancy, birth and risk and it gives you my R.O.A.D. To Birth hypnobirth system that my clients have used for years. It shows you how to Recognise and Release your Fears, Overcome obstacles, Accept what you can't control and Do the work. 

Get The Book

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