Overnight oats - starting your day with a nutrition bomb

general pregnancy health plant based snacks recipes vegan nutrition in pregnancy Jun 26, 2021
vegan overnight oats

Dear Pregnant Vegan,

What are you having for breakfast tomorrow morning?

Do you plan ahead or do you just roll your pregnant self out of bed, go to the kitchen and take it from there?

Do you eat the same breakfast most mornings? Do you like routine?

I truly do want to know. In fact, shoot me an email and tell me.

[email protected]

Tell me your struggles when it comes to plant-based nutrition in pregnancy and tell me your biggest wins. I will answer personally, I promise!

Back to the question at hand.

May I suggest tomorrow's breakfast?

And let me explain why I think it's the perfect breakfast for you:

  • It's a protein power house - it delivers 22.5 g of protein
  • It is rich in fibre
  • It delivers almost 500 calories (don't be afraid, they are good, nutrient dense calories)
  • the chia seeds deliver iron and calcium (as well as some of the protein)

So here it is - my favourite Overnight Oats


30 g rolled oats

1 heaped tsp peanut butter powder

2 tbsp chia seeds

1 mashed banana

Water to soak overnight

Berries, cinnamon and oat milk to serve


Mix the dry ingredients and soak them in enough water to cover about 1 finger breadth above the mix. Add the mashed banana, shake and leave in the fridge for a few hours or overnight. Serve with berries, a sprinkle of cinnamon, some agave or maple syrup if you don't find them sweet enough already. Add a little plant milk (soy will add some extra protein).


You will love those!

I have these at least 3-4 times per week. I usually prepare ahead. I use mason jars, jam jars and any containers I can spare and I weigh out and mix the dry ingredients together. Every evening I add water and my mashed banana to a portion. Pop it in the fridge - ready for the morning. 

As vegans we have to ensure that we get enough protein, calcium and iron and this breakfast ticks those boxes first thing in the morning.

Be sure to follow us on Instagram  get us to send you our email newsletter for more ideas on how to enjoy a healthy vegan pregnancy. 

Lots of love,


(the vegan midwife in your pocket)

Would you like more of my writing? You can! I have written a book called '7 Secrets Every Pregnant Woman Needs To Hear Before Giving Birth: The New Midwife’s R.O.A.D. To Birth™ Hypnobirth System'. 

It offers perspective on common misperceptions about pregnancy, birth and risk and it gives you my R.O.A.D. To Birth hypnobirth system that my clients have used for years. It shows you how to Recognise and Release your Fears, Overcome obstacles, Accept what you can't control and Do the work. 

Get The Book

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